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  • 472: Twelve Minute Convos w/ Daphne Smith

Daphne Smith-

Daphne Smith: The last three years have been productive and full of change for Daphne V Smith.


Her top 10 include in no particular order:

  1. Getting certified through the International John Maxwell Team
  2. Discovering her Secret Name and facilitating retreats for others to do the same
  3. Celebrating both of her children graduating from college
  4. Becoming a mother-in-love
  5. Contributing to two published books
  6. Committing to publishing her own book
  7. Establishing a  free monthly community event
  8. Speaking at the Northwest Arkansas Business Women’s Conference
  9. Joining BNI with recent invitation to become president of her local chapter
  10. Rejoicing in 28 years of marriage, to the same guy!


As a retreat facilitator, life coach, speaker, and author, Daphne thrives on learning and growing.


As co-founder of Well Done Life, she guides individuals, teams, and groups using the principles of Living in 4D! For anyone ready to live life by design instead of default, she’s there to serve. When we each discover our talents and gifts, develop them to our fullest potential, design a life to share them with others, we live by design and in alignment with our purpose.

Listen another #12minconvo

Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas


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