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  • Daniel Bauer Unlocks the potential of global school leaders /Ep2482

Daniel Bauer- 

“Everyone wins when a leader gets better.”

I had to reflect and consider how I was really investing in myself. I didn’t like what I saw in the mirror. At that point I was at a crossroads: throw a permanent pity party and point fingers at the district not developing my leadership skills or take ownership of my journey. I chose the latter.

So in 2015, I launched my category-defining leadership conversation podcast: Better Leaders Better Schools. I figured if I talked to leaders more experienced and wiser than I was, then I would grow tremendously. I was right and I didn’t want to keep that to myself so I distributed the podcast for free online.

In 2016, I joined my mentor’s mastermind — Iron Sharpens Iron. My life transformed both personally and professionally in such profound ways I had my second epiphany: who is doing this for school leaders?

I launched my first mastermind for school admin in the spring of 2016 with 7 heroic leaders. By 2019 our community includes 60+ leaders from around the world.

Time Stamped Show Notes:

How are you doing? [00:48]
What’s going on? [01:54]
On the words that have built Daniel [04:19]
Are you still running? [06:34]
Are you still skateboarding? [07:30]
How do you ensure that you’re in check in everything that you do? [08:08]
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [10:06]


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