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Christian Höferle-
Christian Hoeferle: As the owner and founder of The Culture Mastery, LLC, Christian Höferle (alternative spelling: Hoeferle) is a cross-cultural business consultant who has extensive experience in working with multinational companies.
German by birth, American by choice, and Bavarian at heart, Christian is a fan of building bridges and not enthusiastic about walls. With The Culture Mastery he helps people close the gaps between their home culture and the cultures they are working with.
TCM assists companies in improving business success by providing a variety of services which are targeted at and tailored to increasing productivity when entering new international markets. When companies work internationally and expand outside of their home markets, their employees need to be effective in collaborating with people from cultures which are foreign to them. They need to be able to sell and market to customers with unfamiliar consumption preferences. Beyond the language barriers global professionals are confronted with different behaviors and ways of doing business. Failing to communicate, manage, inspire, and lead across cultural differences is a huge risk for these companies, and the lack of cultural competence can be a bottom-line relevant issue. Christian helps multinational organizations and their employees to work better together across cultures.
Coming from a bilingual and bicultural background, Christian has been working on various levels of cultural consulting/coaching/training, translation & interpretation and relocation assistance. He has helped in relocating and training individuals, families, and teams from Germany, Europe, South America, Asia, and other regions to the United States; and familiarizing them with the many details of settling into another work environment, a different culture and a new community. He also trained hundreds of Americans who went on work assignments outside of the U.S.
Companies Christian worked with include Wacker Chemie, Recaro Aircraft Seating, ZF, Plastic Omnium, Evonik, Johnson & Johnson, Pepperl + Fuchs, Pöppelmann, Alcoa, Siemens, Volkswagen, and Bridgestone. Prior to moving to the U.S., Christian worked for international companies like Entertainment Media, Bertelsmann and Viacom where he served in several leadership positions.
Christian is the host of The Culture Guy Podcast, a web radio series addressing the needs and interests of global professionals crossing cultures. Christian served on the leadership committee for the TN Chapter of the German-American Chamber of Commerce and as Board President for Mosaic, a non-profit which helped integrate newcomers to their new home in Southeast Tennessee.