Chris Green-
Chris Green: I’m a husband, father of three boys, imperfect follower of Jesus, and the host of the GravityBeard Podcast. Born in Wisconsin but grew up in Texas. I’ve had a number of strange experiences in my life. I met Joan Rivers in the gift shop at Graceland and my wife gave birth to our youngest child by herself while being pushed down the hallway in a wheelchair. I was parking the car. I’m a husband, father of three boys, imperfect follower of Jesus, and the host of the GravityBeard Podcast. Born in Wisconsin but grew up in Texas. I’ve had a number of strange experiences in my life. I met Joan Rivers in the gift shop at Graceland and my wife gave birth to our youngest child by herself while being pushed down the hallway in a wheelchair. I was parking the car.
Listen another #12minconvo
Musical Background: ‘TAKE THE CHANCE’ by Nicolai Heidlas