Caroline McCullough
Caroline McCullough is an award-winning copywriter, content strategist, founder of tech startup Writally and a digital marketer with more than 25 years experience in marketing and communications. She’s an Amazon bestselling author of Your Brilliant Un-Career: Women, Entrepreneurship and Making the Leap, Magnetic Marketing and her upcoming book Possible. Her work has been internationally recognised in the Content Marketing Awards, the Marketing Profs Brightbulb Awards and Social Media Examiner’s Top Blog competition in which she placed in the top 24 social media blogs in the world.
She’s been published in Social Media Examiner, Content Marketing Institute, and Mark Schaefer’s blog “Grow”. She’s a Bluechilli and Walkleys Foundation alumnus, the Suncorp Small Business Challenges competition winner, an Anthill Smart 100 award winner, and a finalist in the Women in Technology awards two years running.
Facebook: @casmccullough and @writally
Twitter: @writally and @casmccullough
Insta: @writallyapp