Cami Baker-
International Keynote speaker, author of “Mingle to Millions” and “Lead or be Led,” TV Show Host, America’s Authority on The Cause Marketing Movement and an all-around successful Guerilla Marketer and Business Strategist!
I have delivered more than 1,000+ presentations to audiences as large as 30,000 and LOVE to share the experience I’ve gained working with thousands of people to develop rapport instantly, ATTRACT clients (not chase them!), build credibility through positioning in the market and create resources, relationships and revenue that support unprecedented growth!
I don’t share this with you to brag. I share it because it’s social proof that what I teach WORKS. I’ve helped corporations double their revenue, been featured on multiple media outlets and hosted
hundreds of events. I attracted those opportunities using the exact same formula I teach my clients.
That’s right. I built this business the exact same way I can teach you to build yours. My mission is to empower you with the unique strategy that blends relationship capital and cause marketing so you can reach the level of impact, income and freedom you want to reach.
I don’t waste time. I don’t mess around. I don’t quit until you get results.
Time Stamped Show Notes:
Are you in the same place that we first spoke in? [01:00]
What’s new in your world? [01:11]
On being the net player. [01:37]
Where can we go to find out more? [03:10]
If you are not failing, you are not learning. Open that up for us please. [04:00]
Is networking something that you had to experience the hard way? [05:23]
Real business people love to communicate with real people, have you seen that as well? [06:46]
Do you have any regrets? [07:46]
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our amazing audience? [10:02]
Contact Cami:
[…] Future Episode 2427 […]