AJ Garcia-
AJ Garcia has dedicated his entire life to the animal rights movement.
He Starved himself for 8 days to protest the killing of zoo animals in front of the Seoul mayors house.
AJ Garcia worked undercover with the Korean dog meat industry, dog fighting rings and exotic wildlife black market trade.
Expose dog fighting rings in South Korea.
He has worked undercover in factory farms in the USA
His dairy case in Wisconsin was responsible for Nestle (the worlds largest food company!) implementing the most comprehensive and far-reaching animal welfare reform in all of human history
an end to the practices of tail docking and dehorning of dairy cattle, an end to the castration of piglets without painkillers, the phaseout of growth promoters for poultry, ending the intensive confinement of baby calves in veal crates, pregnant pigs in gestation crates, and egg-laying hens in battery cages.
The 2015 recipient of Mercy For Animals’ Hidden Hero award
He is the president of CARE the biggest Animal Righ group in Korea
He is working tirelessly to ban the dog meat industry in Korea
He has his own podcast Woke stutters
He is a plant-based chef and baker and runs Huggers, a plant-based burger restaurant in Seoul, South Korea.
He is a plant-based athlete.