How were you feeling on day 5 of the
12minRVconvos podcast journey.
The picture above was taken on the 16th of June 2007 at the San Fernando Hill on our wedding day. The San Fernando Hill has been a very significant location for Amanda and I. It was the place where we would visit to sit and have conversations. It was also the location where I asked Amanda to marry me.
Day 5 of the 12minRVconvos podcast journey was the 16th of June 2018. This day, was our 11th wedding anniversary.
What did we do on that day?
The Deans created an experience for us that was priceless. Mrs. Dean began our morning with a breakfast fit for a King and Queen. I regret not taking pictures of that breakfast to share with all who are reading to capture the grandiose experience, however, you must trust me on this one. It was the first time we both had chocolate chip pancakes.
I jokingly made up a bit of a story that ensured my ability to always eat twice . I told Mrs. Dean the night before that in Trinidad and Tobago if you did not have seconds that it was considered rude to the cook. This worked out SUPER well to my benefit.
Added to Mrs Dean's wonderful cooking, Mr. Dean gave a generous donation of US$316 to the 12minrvconvos podcast journey. They invested in our dream.
What next?
Ivy Riane came over to meet and we had a fun time. Ivy was episode 1618 on the #12minconvos podcast. She's a writer who is into the cryptocurrency world, amongst other things. Listen to her interview below on the Video Roll.
We later went to do one of Amanda's favorite things, shopping!!! While it would only be for a few things she was still very excited. Not having to focus on a topic that surrounded the 12minrvconvos podcast journey was one of the small ways I could make this day enjoyable.
Who else did you
At the mall, we were also meeting with one of my cousins and her two daughters. Fun, fun, fun. At the time of my writing, it is approximately 6 months after. It's very interesting to reflect on the moment, its impact then and how it impacts me now. Meeting my family was refreshing.
What was a disappointment of Day 5?
In an ideal situation, my dream would have been to rent a cabin alongside a lake to celebrate this grand day. While this would have been ideal it was important to ensure we did not make choices that would cripple our budget. I felt both thankful and sad.
Ryans' parents openly offered us a place to spend the night and for this, we were more than thankful, yet I wondered if my dreams were taking away from what I knew my wife deserved.
What was exciting?
I enjoyed the conversation I had with Ryan's father. His interest in numbers and how it connects so many other aspects of life was intriguing. When we shared the stories of us, seeing the number 12 appearing in different ways and what seemed as weird synchronicities, he explained other stories linked in the Bible with numbers.
As much as we were on off time, I had to interview the Deans with questions from the #12minconvos podcast. It was exciting to have them share their story. I believe they enjoyed it.
When we returned to their home that afternoon they met uswith gifts. Ryan’s mother bought road-trip food, snacks, drinks, and other necessities. She also purchased for us 3 beach chairs. These chairs were a welcomed addition, used in locations when seating was scarce.
Amanda's thoughts...

Eleven years ago on this day we made the vow to be each other's life partner. What an adventure it has been. We were in our favorite place to be, together. There truly is no place better to be than wherever the one you love is. Our shared experiences is a key element in the strengthening of our bond.
This anniversary was made memorable by the simple blessings of the day. Together we experienced the kindness of the Deans. Together we met family we hadn't seen in a while. Together we went shopping. Together we made it through one more day away from the familiarity of our home, our children, our family.