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  • #12minconvos Podcast Journal of Engel Jones-Day 45
#12minconvos podcast with Engel Jones Day 45 of 84-2

The Goal 

1001 #12minconvos in 12 weeks starting from January 12th to April 2019 , with AMAZING people from all over the world.

Who did you connect with on the 25th February 2019?

1) Allison Graham's story of going on a quest to discover what was required to live a life of resilliency after being told that should slow things down is AMAZING. Our conversation covered the importance of stopping negative self -talk and ways Allison helps her clients to identify when they are doing that. She is located in London, Canada. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2226. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

2) Heather Dahl and I started off talking about her grandmother Nancy Davis who nurtured her uniqueness through supporting her with her many projects. The she shared her journey of life from working to elected officials to broadcasters to then finding her way working in cybersecurity. The inspiration to educate children came from her nephew saying that there were no bad guys in your computer and that he did not have to learn to read. Heather is located in Washington D.C. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2227. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

3) Julia Geisman hmmm, Julia ?, a master conversationalist. Julia started our pre-conversation by asking a question that had me laughing out loud. Then shen asked another question. I think Julia should do a podcast, she's good! Pre- conversations are so much fun. Julia was connected to me through Bobbie Carlton. This is a must to listen #12minconvo. I would use the word Integrity to describe Julia. Julia is located in Boston. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2228. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

4) Jessica Levenson got to meet Julia as I joined the two calls so that Julia could apologize for making me late. They both are from Boston and they both have similar goals that I believe they will be able to collaborate on. Thank You Jessica for waiting on me, highly apprecaited. Jessica was also connected to me through Bobbie. Another fun conversation that was phennomenal. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2229. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

5) Chrissie Wywrot's baby made an audible appearance at the beginning of our conversation which was pretty cool. I love background sounds on the podcast. Chrissie and I spoke on the Enneagram which is similar to personality assesments like DISC but it goes a bit deeper. Chrissie is located in Michigan. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2230. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

6) Tracy Hooper and I spoke about confidence. Tracy shared on the impact of growing up in a big family, six children to be exact. Every night at dinner  Tracy said they practiced how to have a conversation. She spoke of the importance of treating others with civility. Tracy was also a connection made possible through the AMAZING network of women speakers at Innovation Women. Tracy is located in Portland, Oregon. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2231. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

What was your biggest takeaway? 

A Bridge!
There are many people that are so close to each other in a network that they don't get to meet unless there is a bridge.
I am a bridge for those introductions. 
If you missed Day 43/44 click HERE!

Want to Connect on Social Media?

Actual Recorded
12th - 18th January
96.9 %
19th - 25th January


94.6 %
26th - 1st February


91.0 %
2nd - 8th February


88.1 %
9th - 15th February


83.5 %
16th - 22nd February


80.5 %
23rd - 1st March


2nd - 8th March
9th - 15th March
16th - 22nd
23rd - 29th
30th - 5th

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Engel Jones

I am a podcaster who has now had over 2900 recorded podcast conversations, plus 349 live interviews in 12 weeks, while driving through the 48 states of the US plus the eastern and western side of Canada.

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