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  • #12minconvos Podcast Journal of Engel Jones-Day 43/44
#12minconvos podcast with Engel Jones Day 43 of 84
#12minconvos podcast with Engel Jones Day 44 of 84-2

The Goal 

1001 #12minconvos in 12 weeks starting from January 12th to April 2019 , with AMAZING people from all over the world.

Who did you connect with on the 23rd/24th February 2019?

1) Alberto J. Raggio began his entrepreneurial career over 30 years ago in technology development, business strategy, operations, and new venture start-ups. Born in Costa Rica and raised in the US from the age of eleven, he learned to see the world from a diverse lens with a longing to help others which is still what drives him today. This inspired Alberto to write his first book, "Draw Your Circle," released in 2016 available worldwide and to date has been translated into sixteen languages with more translations to come. He is located in Texas. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast episode #2224. Sneek  Peek his favourite songs at 12.

2) Calvin Kerr Jr. has had many opportunities to work in many diverse occupations and positions throughout his military and civilian careers, including First Sergeant, Army Instructor (Junior Reserve officer Training Corps), High School Basketball Coach, Registered Dental Hygienist, Real Estate Consultant, Financial Advisor, Drill Instructor, Calvary Scout, Infantryman, Track Commander, Machine Gunner, Grenadier, and Rifleman. He admits that one of his biggest disappointments occurred when he was released by an Air Force Colonel at the Pentagon and found himself without a job. It turned out to be a blessing because he was able to allot enough time to finish his first publication, Hard Head City. Calvin is located in North Carolina. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast episode #2225. Sneek  Peek his favourite songs at 12.

What was your biggest takeaway? 

Time Out!
I cancelled the evening sessions and slept from 6:30pm - 2:30am. I needed it.
If you missed Day 38 click HERE!

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Actual Recorded
12th - 18th January
96.9 %
19th - 25th January


94.6 %
26th - 1st February


91.0 %
2nd - 8th February


88.1 %
9th - 15th February


83.5 %
16th - 22nd February


80.5 %
23rd - 1st March


2nd - 8th March
9th - 15th March
16th - 22nd
23rd - 29th
30th - 5th

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Engel Jones

I am a podcaster who has now had over 2900 recorded podcast conversations, plus 349 live interviews in 12 weeks, while driving through the 48 states of the US plus the eastern and western side of Canada.

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