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  • #12minconvos Podcast Journal of Engel Jones-Day 33
#12minconvos podcast with Engel Jones Day 33 of 84

The Goal 

1001 #12minconvos in 12 weeks starting from January 12th to April 2019 , with AMAZING people from all over the world.

Who did you connect with today?

1) Lisa Bloom - Lisa Bloom, founder of Story Coach, works with organizations developing Transformational Story Leaders, creative yet resilient cultures, and leading powerful change processes with the power of storytelling. Lisa is located in Israel but was born in Ireland. As a child she would always ask, "so what was it like when?" More to come on her #12minconvos podcast episode #2168. Sneek  Peek her favourite songs at 12.

2) Paul Cheall - Paul lives in Norfolk, UK, and got his late father’s Second World War memoirs published. He later started a successful podcast, Fighting Through, which features first hand accounts and interviews with veterans connected to his dad’s war. Paul had so much fun explaining to me what is a hot water bottle especially since I am from the Caribbean. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2169Sneek Peek his favourite song at 12.

3) Tom Haire - Co-Founder, The Performance-Driven Marketing Institute (www.ThePDMI.com). Tom is an expert in the world of direct response television and how the model has changed with growing video platforms where today’s consumers absorb content. A conversation with an expert is an exhillirant experience. Tom is quick, quick, quick on his feet from the perspective of the way he thinks and talks. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2170. Sneek Peek his favourite album at 12.

4) Rachel Cossar, CFB Founder and lead facilitator Rachel, is an embodiment expert with a unique background in nonverbal performance in extremely high-pressure contexts. Rachel is located in Boston, Massachusetts. Rachel expressed how people aren't connected with their bodies like they should be. It's a rather interesting platform she has founded. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2171Sneek Peek her favourite song at 12.

5) Dixie Lincoln-Nichols Dixie Lincoln- Nichols is a biological science educator, certified health & wellness coach. She is also the founder and CEO of I. O. Beauty Market, an inclusive and diverse online and brick & mortar retailer that curates toxicant-free products to support the body inside and out. Dixie is located in Pennsylvania. It was really cool that Dixie was born in Trinidad and Tobago as well. I am proud of what she's accomplished. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2172Sneek Peek his favourite song at 12.

6) Trasetta Alexander Trasetta Alexander is a faith based business coach and motivational speaker. She teaches women of faith how to connect with their purpose and create a plan to prosper in it through entrepreneurship. She is located in Tallahassee, Florida. Trasetta has over 20 year of experience working in management creating systems and processes, as well as, increasing individual productivity. It was astonishing to hear her earliest childhood memory and interpret the connection. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2173Sneek Peek her favourite song at 12.

7) Uma Alexandra Beepat- Uma Alexandra Beepat is a Spiritual Teacher, an Intuitive Consultant, Psychic Mediumship mentor and Author of The Awakened Life published by Balboa Press Publishing. Uma is the owner of Lotus Wellness Center in Northern Virginia where she provides classes in spiritual development and energy healing and private intuitive consultations. Another Caribbean connection. Uma is originally from Guyana. We spoke about mango chow amonst other things. For those of you who have never had this, I am sorry. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2174Sneek Peek her favourite song at 12.

8) Kimberly Moore, Kimberly Moore, CEO and Co-Founder of Go Together, Inc, is an entrepreneur completely passionate about building one of the most exciting companies in the mobility space. Go Together, an early stage startup, is on a mission to get people where they need to go through their trusted networks and via any transportation option available. Kimberly, I am proud of what you are creating. I love how you moved from idea from to implementation. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2175Sneek Peek her favourite song at 12.

What was your biggest takeaway? 

Try vs Do!

If you missed Day 32 click HERE!

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Actual Recorded
12th - 18th January
96.9 %
19th - 25th January


94.6 %
26th - 1st February


91.0 %
2nd - 8th February


88.1 %
9th - 15th February


16th - 22nd February
23rd - 1st March
2nd - 8th March
9th - 15th March
16th - 22nd
23rd - 29th
30th - 5th

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Engel Jones

I am a podcaster who has now had over 2900 recorded podcast conversations, plus 349 live interviews in 12 weeks, while driving through the 48 states of the US plus the eastern and western side of Canada.

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