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  • #12minconvos Podcast Journal of Engel Jones-Day 17
#12minconvos podcast with Engel Jones Day 17 of 84

The Goal 

1001 #12minconvos in 12 weeks starting from January 12th to April 2019 , with AMAZING people from all over the world.

 Day 17 thoughts?

 Connecting, having deep, REAL, meaningful conversations with people from all over the world is therapeutic. I have now recorded 2085 podcast episodes and 349 face to face #12minconvos. There is so much you can learn in a conversation. My exposure to soooooo many different people has helped me to grow tremendously in many ways. 
Are you having enough conversations?

Who did you connect with on this evening?

connected with six AMAZING people tonight.

1) Noreen Sumpter is a confidence and self esteem coach. She is located in New York. Her parents were originally from Jamaica and amongst her confident speaking ability she gave us a bit of the Jamaican accent. She hosts Talk Radio NYC radio show Beyond Potential: Live Life Your Way. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2080. Sneek Peek - Her favourite song at 12 can be listened to here.

2) Jenni Edwards is an author, speaker, and entrepreneur. She is located in Jacksnville, Florida. She is the author of the upcoming book, Bumping Down Highways. Jenni's story is the kind of inspiration I love. She exercises the concept of  faith in action. What an adventure! Driving from Florida to Oregon. More to come on her #12minconvos podcast #2081. Sneek Peek - Her favourite song at 12 can be listened to here.

3) Tara Padua is an Executive Coach, Leadership Development, Start-up Advisor & Entrepreneur. She's been coaching for 9 years. Tara is located in New York. She spoke of her power pucnhes which are being vulnerable and courageous.  More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2082. Sneek Peek - His favourite songs at 12 can be listened to here and here.

4) Saeed Khan helps companies build great products and great product organizations. He is located in Ontario, Canada. Super cool guy. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2083. Sneek Peek - His favourite song at 12 can be listened to here.

5) Anthony Hyland, Empowerment Speaker & Published Author. He is located in Norfolk, Virginia Area. Anthony shared on the impact of his grandmother to foster in him the kindness he walks in today. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2084. Sneek Peek - His favourite song at 12 can be listened to here.

6) Junaid AhmedUX Designer, ? Author, ? Filmmaker, ? Beekeeper, ?Podcast Host, #LION #SPN. Junaid is located in Herndon, Virginia. The name of his podcast is Hacks and Hobbies. Junaid is a doer and I believe in this short span of life we live, rightfully so. Especially for the fun things in life. More to come on his #12minconvos podcast #2085. Sneek Peek - His favourite song at 12 can be listened to here.

What was your biggest takeaway tonight? 

Do not write while lying on the bed. Instead of completing this post and sharing it I fell asleep!

If you missed Day 16, click HERE!

Actual Recorded
12th - 18th January
96.9 %
19th - 25th January


94.6 %
26th - 1st February


2nd - 8th February
9th - 15th February
16th - 22nd February
23rd - 1st March
2nd - 8th March
9th - 15th March
16th - 22nd
23rd - 29th
30th - 5th

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Engel Jones

I am a podcaster who has now had over 2900 recorded podcast conversations, plus 349 live interviews in 12 weeks, while driving through the 48 states of the US plus the eastern and western side of Canada.

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